Healing Centre Team Application Form Please complete this application if you are interested in Joining our Healing Centre teams at Eastgate (1st and 3rd Saturdays monthly). First Name* Last Name* Email* Contact Phone Number*Address Street Address Address Line 2 City County / State / Region ZIP / Postal Code Church* Leadership position in your church (if applicable) 1. Why do you feel called to be part of the Healing Centre team at this time?*2. What unique contribution do you think you could bring to the team/visitors?*3. What experience(s) has/have equipped you to be part of the team?*4. What healing training has equipped you to be part of the team?*Please check those attended from this list and add details of any other healing training in the comment box below. ESSL Evening School Yr 1 ESSL Evening School Yr 2 ESSL Daytime School Yr 1 ESSL Daytime School Yr 2 Healing School with Joaquin Evans November 2017 Healing School with Joaquin Evans previous date None of the above Please give details of any other healing training that you have received 5. Are you confident that you can commit to these team expections?*Please check all boxes. If no, please comment in box 8 below. Serving at least monthly at one of our healing centres Attending team training, minimum 2 per year Arrive on time, currently 8.30am at Eastgate Attend Safeguarding training, every 12 months 6. What would you like to get out of being part of the team?*7. Is there anything in your past experience that may give cause or concern about you joining a team working with children and vunerable adults? If yes, please give details8. Any other information/comments you wish to add?*CAPTCHA